05 GitHub’s Most Popular Open Source Repositories

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By Maria Naseer
By Nabia Sajid
By Faizan Mahmood
By Fareeha Mahmood
By Aleena N.

GitHub is the internet’s most advanced platform for code hosting for version control and collaboration. It comprises hundreds and thousands of projects and millions of devs of different experience levels. Many people carry out their dream projects and promote their own GitHub careers.


Flutter is a Google software development kit (SDK) that has become one of GitHub’s fastest-growing open source communities. A user interface toolkit enables the development of apps from a single codebase. Web, PC, and mobile platforms are all supported


FreeCodeCamp is the largest GitHub coding repository. The setting is pleasant and safe for code enthusiasts for learning the skill free of charge. You may construct your own projects, learn to code, and earn your trouble credentials. The page has collected an amazing 325,000 stars on the website since its launch.

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Visual Studios Code:

VS Code is an all-intention, streamlined Microsoft code editor. It offers extensive code editing, navigation, support and an expansion model. The open-source repository on GitHub is quite popular, featuring over 107,000 ratings and 19,000 contributors.

Azure Docs:

The cloud computing service of Microsoft, Azure, offers developer open-source documentation. GitHub is one of the most active repositories on the platform and has over 7000 contributors. Developers can utilize it for infrastructure deployment and management, data handling and product launch.


React-Native is a JS framework utilized on several social networking networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. The user can construct Native apps via Javascript from this framework. It also builds a declared user interface for mobile platforms.

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