15 Common Programming Mistakes & How To Treat Them

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By Maria Naseer
By Nabia Sajid
By Faizan Mahmood
By Fareeha Mahmood
By Aleena N.

Common programming errors are mistakes in coding that can cause a program to behave unexpectedly or crash completely.

Moreover, careless mistakes can lead to security vulnerabilities, leaving your system open to malicious attacks.

When it comes to programming, a single error can have a rippling effect. One error leads to another and in no time, you are completely lost.

To ensure you don’t make these mistakes, let us highlight some common ones and how to treat them:

1. Not Following Code Standards:

Whether to use tabs or spaces, variable names written in upper or lower case, and when to comment can all be confusing. This is why developers must follow a set of coding standards documented for the development team. Programmers should not have to memorize these coding standards but should refer to them when writing and ensure all their code is consistent. Sometimes, coding standards are set by a project’s lead developer or can be based on an official standard. But when programmers miss coding standards, their code can be hard to read and understand for other coders. In these cases, developers need to make changes so that the team can follow the same conventions.

2. Misspelled Variables and Functions:

Unfortunately, misspelling variables or function names are a very common error since they are often long and difficult to remember. If a variable or function name is misspelled, it won’t be recognized by the programming language and thus can cause errors in the code. To prevent these errors, developers should always double-check the spelling of variables and functions before submitting code. Modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) simplifies this by providing syntax auto-completion of function and variable names.

3. Incomplete Or Incorrect Logic:

Another common programming error is when a developer writes code with incomplete or incorrect logic. This usually happens when developers rush to finish their code and don’t take the time to think through their logic thoroughly.
To prevent this error, developers should always break down their tasks into small chunks and carefully analyze each program step for potential errors.

4. Incorrect Naming Conventions:

Using incorrect naming conventions in code can confuse and make it harder to read and understand. For example, variables should be named according to their purpose or the data type they store. It’s also important to use consistent capitalization rules throughout the codebase. By following a standard set of naming conventions, developers can avoid potential errors.
Also, when using functions in code, it’s important to ensure that the function is used with the correct parameters and arguments. If incorrect arguments are passed to a function, it may cause unexpected behavior or errors.
Developers should use descriptive names when creating classes and objects. This helps other developers understand the purpose of each item in the codebase. Making the code more readable can help to avoid potential errors.

5. Improper Code Pasting:

This is a common error when developers copy code from other sources and paste it into their program without understanding what the code does. This can lead to errors in the program or even security vulnerabilities. To avoid this, developers should always read through any code they are pasting and understand how it works before using it in their projects. Also, it’s important to use code from reliable sources, such as open-source libraries or official documentation.

6. Close Opening Tags Immediately:

Developers must close the opening tags immediately after they are used, as this allows for better readability of the codebase and helps prevent mistakes. As well it’s important to be aware of the different types of tags and their associated properties.

Some tags may require more complex closing procedures than others. By understanding these differences, developers can help avoid errors in their codebase.
For example, HTML tags should always be closed immediately after they are opened, while JavaScript tags often require a semi-colon after their closing tag.

7. Relying More On 3rd Party:

Another common programming error is relying too heavily on third-party code or libraries. While it can be helpful to use existing code and libraries, developers should always understand what they use in their code. By understanding the underlying logic of any 3rd party library, developers can identify potential errors faster when working with them.

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8. Language Overload:

Using too many languages or frameworks can lead to an overload of programming errors. Developers familiar with only one language may become confused when working with multiple coding languages in the same project. To avoid this, developers should know which code they are using and follow best practices for each language, such as reading its documentation and implementing standards, to ensure that they use the correct syntax and structure.

9. Not Testing Code:

Another common programming error is not properly testing code. In the development process, it is important to test the code at all stages thoroughly. This will help ensure no bugs or errors in the codebase before publishing it. Additionally, testing can help developers identify potential issues and make appropriate changes to the code before publishing it. Testing can help ensure that the program performs as expected and has no unforeseen errors or issues.

10. Poor Documentation:

Poorly written or inadequate documentation can also lead to programming errors. Developers should take time to create detailed documentation for their code to make it easier for other developers and users to understand how the code works. They should also update the documentation as they change their code or add new features. This will make it easier to debug any errors that may arise.

11. Syntax And Logic Errors:

Syntax errors are easy to make when programming, as even simple typos, can cause programs to fail. The incorrect syntax can be hard to detect, as the code may well be valid but doing something unintended caused by incorrect syntax. To correct syntax errors, organize your code and check the parenthesis if they match. Check other formats such as colons, indentations, and quotation marks etc.

Logic errors are particularly challenging, as they require developers to think through the logic of their program more thoroughly and identify any potential gaps in the programming logic. To correct logic errors, a common way is to set breakpoints and then check the variables. Although there are many other ways, but they are specific to specific cases.

12. GITHub-Related Issues:

When working with multiple developers, using version control systems such as GitHub is important. This will help reduce conflicts between code versions and make collaboration easier. In addition, developers should be familiar with how to properly commit and push changes to a repository to avoid any issues arising from improper use of the version control system. Developers should ensure that they have tested any changes to the code before pushing it to a repository to avoid introducing any bugs into the main codebase.

13. Improper Formatting:

Developers should always pay attention to proper formatting when writing code. Poorly formatted code can lead to logic and syntax errors, which can be difficult to identify and fix. It is important to write code that is easy to read, understand and debug. Make sure to use proper indentation, comment on your code when necessary, choose meaningful variable names and use consistent coding conventions. Doing so will make it much easier to troubleshoot any errors in the code.

14. Not Developing For Different Screen Sizes:

Developers should always be aware of the different sizes of screens and devices that their programs may be running on. It is important to consider how a program will look on various-sized displays, as this can affect how users interact with the program. Poorly designed user interfaces that do not consider different screen sizes can lead to user frustration and create a poor experience.

15. Not Using Performance Optimization Techniques:

Performance optimization techniques can increase the speed of programs, reduce the number of resources they use, and improve the overall user experience. Developers should be aware of these techniques, such as caching data or using parallel processing when appropriate, and implement them in their programs whenever possible. Failure to do so can lead to slow and unresponsive programs. In addition to performance optimization techniques, developers should be aware of any software or hardware limitations that may affect their program’s performance.

Final Word:

The common mistakes developers make can lead to slow and inefficient programs that consume too many resources, resulting in a poor user experience. By following these best practices, developers can create more efficient programs that run faster and use fewer resources. Ultimately, this will lead to a better user experience and more satisfied customers.

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